Welcome to Täby Kiropraktor klinik
Täby Kiropraktor klinik has moved and joined Arninge Hälsan in Arninge Centrum. We have closed the office on Åkerbyvägen in October after 32 years of service to the community. Björn will not be working with patients. Sue will take the opportunity to focus her practice on pediatric and pregnant patients as well as continue to work with education. For adults we recommend skilled colleagues in the city with a similar background in education, Västermalms kiropraktik klinik at www.vastermalmskiropraktorklinik.se, 08 6517730.
We will keep the homepage updated so patients have access to our exercise programs and other valuable information. We will not work with a receptionist, you can book through the home page via boka direkt. You can also contact Sue directly through email at sue@kirotaby.se. You can also book a time on the homepage by clicking on the link “Boka Direkt”. Directions how to find us are under “hitta hit”.
Vad är det som gäller vid ombokning av din tid? Ombokning av din tid
Which children can benefit from assessment and treatment by a pediatric musculoskeletal professional? Starting from the youngest patients, the very young infant who has had a lie inutero that has resulted in asymmetry should be assessed. Read here about common musculoskeletal conditions in infancy, toddlers, and children. Read about adolescent musculoskeletal health here.
Chiropractic care for infants with difficulty breastfeeding A recent article took up chiropractic care for infants, particularly in regard to tongue tie. As a chiropractor specialized in the care of infants and children, I would like to make some comments.

Kiropraktisk behandling minskar huvudvärk hos barn
Read more here: Headaches in Children. This article describes how migraine headaches, which go through generations in a family, present in the infant and through the different stages of growth and development.
Recent research into chiropractic treatment of school-age children with recurrent headache shows significantly reduced intensity and frequency of headache episodes. Treatment was found to be safe and cost effective and an important alternative treatment for children.
En ny studie visar att barn med återkommande huvudvärk har mindre ofta huvudvärk och mindre besvär med kiropraktisk behandling. Slutsatsen var att behandlingen är ofarlig, kost effektivt och en viktig alternativ för behandling av huvudvärk bland barn. (Lynge et al, 2020).

Read more here: Headaches in Children. This article describes how migraine headaches, which go through generations in a family, present in the infant and through the different stages of growth and development.
Differentiating headaches in children is an article describing how different types of headaches present through growth and development.
Did you know…
In Scandinavia, we are only able to produce D vitamin a few months of the year. A good rule of thumb is to supplement with D vitamin from school start till end of May. We can only produce D vitamin if our shadow is shorter than we are. The first line of treatment for headaches in children is supplementing with d vitamin and magnesium. The information and references to this are in the first article on headaches above.
Evaluating children in preadolescence. This is a period of time beofre the growth spurt. The skeleton is not as strong as in the adult and can be injured with training that is too intensive or too straining.

Chiropractic treatment of the pregnant patient for optimal fetal positioning
In many countries pregnant women turn to Chiropractors for help when their baby is in a suboptimal, transverse or breech position. The theory behind treatment is that by addressing mechanical issues in the pelvis, the uterus will have optimal positioning. Read more here.
Gravid och Kiropraktisk behandling Studier i USA har visat att behandling av gravida minskar sjukskrivningar och att dessa kvinnor är mer aktiv och mår bättre under graviditeten. Behandling för den gravida kvinnan är mjuk och är helt ofarlig för fostret. Den kiropraktiska behandlingen är inte bara för lederna, ligamenten och muskler, det ingår även råd om lämpliga övningar för att stabilisera kroppen, ergonomi på jobbet, näring och kost råd för den blivande mamman. Läs mer under Gravida