Sue Weber Hellstenius
Sue studerade först basmedicin vid State University of New York in Albany. Hon forstsätte sedan att studera Kiropraktik i USA till Doctor of Chiropractic vid Western States Chiropractic College (numera University of Western States) 1988. Hon har fortsatt sin utbildning i England vid Anglo-European College of Chiropractic och fortbildat sig i pediatrik, diagnostik och behandling av barn och gravida. Sue studerade vidare med en Masters utbildning i England på högskolenivå (University of Bournemouth/ Anglo-European University College of Chiropractic). Hon har en position i fakultet av Royal College of Chiropractic i England och gäst fakultet i Anglo-European University College. Hon är i fakultet av European Academy of Chiropractic där hon leder en expert grupp i pediatrik. Hon har jobbat med den American Chiropractic Association and the Northeast Health Sciences College to develop pediatric educational programs. Sue undervisar internationellt och tar emot barn från födelsen och uppåt under uppväxten. Här kan du läsa hennes CV, samt den publicerade forskningen på engelska och en sammanfattning på svenska:
Sue started her studies in basic medicine at the State University of New York in Albany where she graduated magna cum laude. She majored in Biology and Chemistry. After a series of injuries she moved across the country to study Chiropractic at the University of Western states in Oregon where she graduated valedictorian as Doctor of Chiropractic. She practiced in California a few years where she competed on an elite level in triathalons. She then moved to Sweden and completed the process of licensing to practice. After working a few years, she continued her studies in England at the Anglo-European University College (AECC) and the Bournemouth University achieving a Masters Education in Pediatric Musculoskeletal health. She is on the faculty of the Royal College of Chiropractic, A visiting faculty of the AECC, The chairperson of the special interest group in pediatrics as part of the European Academy of Chiropractic. She is currently developing pediatric educational programs within the American Chiropractic Association, the Northeast Health Health Sciences College in NY and in Sweden. She lectures internationally in Pediatric Musculoskeletal Health. Her CV follows as well as published research papers.
Sue är en legitimerad kiropraktor med akademisk titel Doctor of Chiropractic (DC). Det betyder att hon har minst en 5 års utbildning på högskola nivå och är utlandsutbildade (USA) vid en internationellt godkänd kiropraktorskola, Western States Chiropractic University College. Vi tillhör Legitimerade Kiropraktorers Riksorganisation (LKR). Vidare tillhör LKR den europeiska kiropraktorunionen, ECU och den kiropraktiska världsfederationen, WFC. WFC är medlem i Världshälsoorganisationen, WHO, och dess organ för medicinsk vetenskap.
As a Doctor of Chiropractic, her education stands apart from the Swedish educated musculoskeletal therapists where education does not reach university standards. What this means in practice are that the skills in diagnosis are substandard and that there is no education in pediatrics.
Med vår utbildning kan vi diagnostisera olika typer av neuro-muskulo-skeletala problem, men även känna igen allvariga sjukdomar. Vi samarbetar med husläkare, ortopeder, neurologer och sjukgymnaster för att nå bästa långsiktiga resultat med patientens problem.
2023-24: Sue continues to work internationally lecturing in pediatric musculoskeletal health. She has also taken on the project of developing an advanced pediatric education for the New York College of Health Sciences. She is teaching sections of the program for Northeast college of Health Sciences as well as for the American College of Chiropractors (ACA) post-graduate pediatric program. She represented Chiropractic pediatrics at the EU meeting in Brussels for pediatrics. In May 2024 she presented “Concussion in children, updated guidelines for recognition and management” at the European Chiropratic Union’s conference in Valencia.
CV and published papers
International peer reviewed chiropractic history and examination forms for the infant child and adolescent 2023
Chiropractic history and examination forms for the infant, child and adolescent 2021
Chiropractic history, examination and questionnaire forms for the pediatric patient
The changing phenotypes of migraine headache from infancy to adolescence
Differentiating headaches in children part II
Pediatric Headache history, exam and questionnaire forms
Parent proxy and preadolescent report of pain and trauma
Headache and/or Neck Pain in Preadolescents: Provoking factors
Trauma and Pain in the Child: Reporting of the parent and the child
Is Infant Colic an Allergic Response to Cow’s Milk? What is the evidence?
Consultation with the World Health Organization recommending non-pharmacological alternatives for infants and children