Det inga restriktioner för en Leg. Kiropraktor att behandla gravida, men man ska välja en Kiropraktor som har utbildat sig vidare i området (pregnant patient). I Sverige, har Sue Weber längst utbildning och mest erfarenhet när det gäller undersökning, diagnostik (vad är problemet) samt behandling av gravida och barn. Sue utbildar andra kiropraktorer i undersökning, diagnostik och behandling av både gravida och barn i alla åldrar. Både gravida och barn har problem som skiljer sig från vanlig vuxna, därför behövs det specialister som har vidare utbildning. Det handlar om säkerhet, att förstå när patienten behöver eventuellt annan akut vård.

Forskningsresultat visar att behandling av den gravida kvinnans rygg och bäcken minskade smärtan från rygg, bäcken och ben. Med sin höga kompetens i rörelseapparatens funktion kunde kiropraktorn komma fram till vad som orsakade dessa besvär. De gravida patienterna med besvär från rygg och bäcken fick en behandling som var anpassad till deras gravida tillstånd med resultatet att de upplevde mindre besvär samt fick bättre rörlighet.

Studier i USA har visat att behandling av gravida minskar sjukskrivningar och att dessa kvinnor är mer aktiv och mår bättre under graviditeten. Behandling för den gravida kvinnan är mjuk och är helt ofarlig för fostret. Den kiropraktiska behandlingen är inte bara för lederna, ligamenten och muskler, det ingår även råd om lämpliga övningar för att stabilisera kroppen, ergonomi på jobbet, näring och kost råd för den blivande mamman.

Klicka på rubriken Gravida för att läsa mer om gravida och kiropraktik

Pregnancy and Chiropractic Care

Pregnancy causes a temporary dynamic change in the biomechanics of the human body. Smaller problems that may have been latent may become evident and bothersome as the body changes and develops. The increasing weight of the abdomen and breasts change the curves of the back and neck. The ligamentous system is affected making joints more mobile and less stable. This combination can create problems for some women, particularly those that have had previous problems with their back or neck.

Women who have back pain prior to pregnancy may experience greater pain during pregnancy. This complicates daily activities and increases the risk for sick leave. Pregnant women with back pain not uncommonly feel quite hindered in caring for other young siblings. Adequate skills in diagnosis are critical to receiving appropriate care and guidance through pregnancy. The primary care system which is geared to save lives lacks complete training in musculoskeletal health. Chiropractors with a specialty in treating the pregnant patient are trained to examine and safely treat the pregnant patient.

The uterus is where the fetus grows and develops. It fastens with ligaments to different parts of the pelvis both in the front and in the back. The pelvis forms a ring with 3 different bones which come together acting as a support for the spine and form a unit for the hips to fasten in. Women who have back pain, groin, pelvic or leg pain can develop a temporary torque in the pelvis, affecting the lie of the uterus. When the pelvis is torqued, one or both of the round ligaments are affected causing pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen. This is commonly treated by the chiropractor specializing in the care of the pregnant patient. The torqueing can affect the lie of the uterus, so the developing fetus is constrained. Appropriate treatment reducing the torqueing can reduce constraint for the developing fetus so they can achieve a more optimal positioning. The Webster technique and Rebozo techiques are used for this purpose. Webster technique for the breech baby (sätesbjudning)This is the strategy with treatment allowing the fetus in a breech or transverse lie come around. The rebozo techniques and spinning baby exercises can be used by parents both before and during delivey to help the baby position itself more optimally to reduce the risk for intervention. Chiropractic treatment of the pregnant patient for optimal fetal positioning. If the infant has a suboptimal position at the start of delivery, (and this can even be that the head is tilted), labor will be delayed. When labor is delayed there is a higher chance of intervention which increases the risk for injury for both the mother and the infant. Treatment of the pregnant patient with this type of torqueing can not only reduce pain and disability, but help to make the delivery quicker and safer.

Besides pelvic problems, it is common for the pregnant woman to experience mechanical problems with the thoracic spine and rib cage. This must accommodate the growing fetus and postural changes create mechanical stress in this area which respond well to treatment.

Those patients with neck problems can experience exacerbations due to a more forward head posture as the breasts and abdomen enlarge. Treatment of the pregnant patient varies from other adults due to the physiological changes in the body. It should be gentler and take consideration for these changes.