We are no longer located in Storstugan vid Täby Centrum.
Björn har nu gått i Pension. Dr. Sue Weber has moved her office to Arninge Hälsan which is in Arninge Centrum vid Saluvägen 1. Arninge Hälsan is in the ICA Kvantum huset på plan 3. Sue is now booking infants, children, adolescents and pregnant patients. If you have questions or will contact Sue, use the email address below. You are welcome to book an appointment through Boka Direkt. Use the link on the homepage. There is no receptionist available, use the following email address if you want to contact Dr. Weber: sue@kirotaby.se

If you are coming from E18, avoid the first rondell which brings you into the Centrum via Lidl instead continue towards Arninge, turn right into the next rondell (Max hamburger restaurant is opposite). There is ample parking outside the ICA Kvantum building. There are stairs and an elevator to the right as you enter the building. Arninge Hälsan is on the 3rd floor.