Welcome to Täby Kiropraktor klinik
Täby Kiropraktor klinik is in a period of transition. We will close the Täby practice on Åkerbyvägen in October after 32 years of service to the community. Björn will work continuing to renovate/ build, and Sue will continue to work with education and take the opportunity to focus her practice on pediatric and pregnant patients. The goal is to become available for patients in Arninge after the New Year. This information will become available on the homepage. We can recommend colleagues in the city with a similar background in education, Västermalms kiropraktik klinik at www.vastermalmskiropraktik.se. We will keep the homepage updated so patients have access to our exercise programs and other valuable information.Our telephone number brings you to our answering service which is available from 8:00 until 17:00 Monday through Friday. You can book a time or ask a question. You can also book a time on the homepage by clicking on the link “Boka Direkt”. Directions how to find us are under “hitta hit”.
We will not work with a receptionist, you can book throught the home page via boka direkt. You can also contact me directly through email at sue@kirotaby.se.
Vad är det som gäller vid ombokning av din tid? Ombokning av din tid
Chiropractic care for infants with difficulty breastfeeding A recent article took up chiropractic care for infants, particularly in regard to tongue tie. As a chiropractor specialized in the care of infants and children, I would like to make some comments. First, the practitioner caring for infants is recommended to have further education in the area of pediatrics to ensure safe care for this population. There are only a few chiropractors in Sweden that have this competency. We assess infants and children for different types of mechanical problems which interfere with normal function. This includes problems with breastfeeding. The infant with a painful condition like torticollis not uncommonly has difficulty breastfeeding as supporting their head may be painful. It is important to examine the infant to better understand the different types interfere with comfortable, efficient breastfeeding among which is tongue tie. Read more about how you as a parent can help your infant or child when they have been diagnosed with tongue tie. The manual techniques we use are modified for age and development. A research project in the UK included over 2000 mothers. Results were published in 2019 in a peer reviewed journal JMPT: “Maternal Report of Outcomes of Chiropractic Care for Infants”. Statistically significant improvements were reported across all aspects of infant behavior studied, including feeding problems, sleep issues, excessive crying, problems with supine sleep position, infant pain, restricted cervical range of motion, and time performing prone positioning. Maternal ratings of depression, anxiety, and satisfaction with motherhood also demonstrated statistically significant improvement. The study’s findings indicate that the changes observed by mothers were positive and may be clinically relevant.” Chiropractors with advanced education in this area offer an alternative care addressing the mechanical functioning, which is safe and parents are very satisfied with (Miller-Loncar, 2013).
Kiropraktisk behandling minskar huvudvärk hos barn
Read more here: Headaches in Children. This article describes how migraine headaches, which go through generations in a family, present in the infant and through the different stages of growth and development.
Recent research into chiropractic treatment of school-age children with recurrent headache shows significantly reduced intensity and frequency of headache episodes. Treatment was found to be safe and cost effective and an important alternative treatment for children. En ny studie visar att barn med återkommande huvudvärk har mindre ofta huvudvärk och mindre besvär med kiropraktisk behandling. Slutsatsen var att behandlingen är ofarlig, kost effektivt och en viktig alternativ för behandling av huvudvärk bland barn. (Lynge et al, 2020. Effectiveness of chiropractic manipulation versus sham manipulation for recurrent headaches in children aged 7–14 years – a randomized clinical trial. Chiropractic & Manual Therapies (2021) 29:1. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12998-020-00360-3).
Read more here: Headaches in Children. This article describes how migraine headaches, which go through generations in a family, present in the infant and through the different stages of growth and development.
Differentiating headaches in children is an article describing how different types of headaches present through growth and development.
Did you know…
In Scandinavia, we are only able to produce D vitamin a few months of the year. A good rule of thumb is to supplement with D vitamin from school start till end of May. We can only produce D vitamin if our shadow is shorter than we are. The first line of treatment for headaches in children is supplementing with d vitamin and magnesium. The information and references to this are in the first article on headaches above.
Evaluating children in preadolescence. This is a period of time beofre the growth spurt. The skeleton is not as strong as in the adult and can be injured with training that is too intensive or too straining.
Chiropractic treatment of the pregnant patient for optimal fetal positioning
In many countries pregnant women turn to Chiropractors for help when their baby is in a suboptimal, transverse or breech position. The theory behind treatment is that by addressing mechanical issues in the pelvis, the uterus will have optimal positioning. The uterus is attached by ligaments to different areas of the pelvis. By normalizing functioning of the pelvis, the risk for torque on the uterus is reduced. This in turn allows the fetus maximal freedom of movement. There are only limited studies done evaluating these techniques, but many women choose to try this treatment as there are considerable risks associated with both external version and delivery by cesarian section. The Webster technique is one of many commonly used treatment techniques. Suboptimal fetal positioning or fetal malpositioning, due to torquing of the uterus or pelvis can be the cause of low back or pelvic pain and can be addressed with treatment.
It is important for the pregnant woman to avoid uneven postures, such as; sitting with legs crossed, leaning on your desk, standing on one leg, leaning on the sofa. When you get in the habit of always leaning to the same side you create an imbalance in affected muscles and ligaments. Exercises which are beneficial for the pregnant woman are swimming, walking and in some cases yoga.
There are a variety of techniques from South America used during pregnancy and delivery which help to relax uterine ligaments and even relax the mother reducing the need for drugs during delivery. The Rebozo Sifting, or jiggling is a commonly used technique.
Women who have had problems with their lower back or pelvis are at a higher risk for low back pain or pelvic pain during pregnancy due to the increased mechanical load as the uterus increases in size and weight. Treatment of the pregnant patient is gentle and safe, addressing imbalances created by spasming in muscles and ligaments. These imbalances contribute to improper function of the associated joints. By normalizing the function of the low back and pelvis, restoring balance to the muscles, joints and ligaments, many women experience an easier delivery. This is not surprising considering that the uterus and pelvis have optimal tone and functioning. Most women find that treatment allows them to continue with work and daily activities as well as avoid taking pain medication during the pregnancy.
Gravid och Kiropraktisk behandling
Studier i USA har visat att behandling av gravida minskar sjukskrivningar och att dessa kvinnor är mer aktiv och mår bättre under graviditeten. Behandling för den gravida kvinnan är mjuk och är helt ofarlig för fostret. Den kiropraktiska behandlingen är inte bara för lederna, ligamenten och muskler, det ingår även råd om lämpliga övningar för att stabilisera kroppen, ergonomi på jobbet, näring och kost råd för den blivande mamman. Läs mer under Gravida