Hur skyddar vi er från COVID-19

Vi har tagit kurser från KI i säker behandling av patienter under COVI-19. Vi har glest emellan sits platser i praktiken samt möjlighet att sitta ute och väntar. Vi ber er att tvätta händerna i praktiken inför behandling. Vi använder munskydd som en mekanisk barriär och skyddar ögonen. Vi är extra noga med vår hygien samt hygienen i praktiken. Vi tar inte emot patienter som är sjuka. 


For acute episode of pain, use cold therapy to reduce inflammation. The following link Kyl Behandling gives instructions. There are 2 recent studies (2020) published which question the safety of the use of NSAID medications (ipren, diclophenac, voltaren, pronaxen, naproxen) during the COVID-19 outbreak. (Day. 2020. Covid-19: ibuprofen should not be used for managing symptoms, say doctors and scientists. BMJ. Mar 17, 2020;368:m1086. doi: 10.1136/bmj.m1086)

Use gloves in public transport and touching surfaces that many other use: door handles, ID, shopping carts etc. Use a pen to push buttons for pin codes, Wash hands thoroughly i warm water for 20 seconds and often. Take care to sneeze and cough in the elbow.

This illness targets the lungs, so lung health is a factor in survival. Particulate matter, including pollution, smoke, secondary smoke, insufficient ventilation, thick fumes while cooking all have negative effects on the lungs. If you haven’t stopped smoking: STOP SMOKING and don’t ride your bike along major roads where dust and particulate matter is kicked up by the cars. Use the bike path parallel to the train track when possible. 

Symptoms of COVID-19

  • Sore throat
  • Dry cough
  • Fever
  • Achy body pains

With difficulty breathing, contact vård guiden

Stay home if you are sick, you should be symptom-free 48 hours before booking a time.

Otherwise we recommend that people take supplements to support their immune system: D vitamin Näring & Hälsa, Vit C, Zinc and probiotics. Help people stay home who are in high risk groups.