Tongue-tie changes the mechanics of breastfeeding. The infant tongue does not function as intended so there are compensations in the movement of the head, neck and mouth in an effort to extract milk. The baby is not usually effective so they spend a lot of time trying to feed. This can be a strain on […]
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Category: Rehab Övningar
Which children can benefit from assessme...
Starting from the youngest patients, the very young infant who has had a lie inutero that has resulted in asymmetry should be assessed. Having a suboptimal lie inutero can result in a difficult birth as well as the infant being in significant pain. These infants are usually difficult to console, and they do not want […]
Sue’s comments on a chiropractors role i
A recent article took up chiropractic care for infants, particularly in regard to tongue tie. As a chiropractor specialized in the care of infants and children, I would like to make some comments. First, the practitioner caring for infants is recommended to have further education in the area of pediatrics to ensure safe care for […]
World Spine Day
This year’s theme, Love Your Spine, emphasizes the importance of self-help in the management of back pain. Low back pain is the biggest single global cause of years lived with disability. At any time, it is estimated that over 1 billion people around the world are suffering with low back pain, with 4 out of […]
Kiropraktik och Spädbarn
Numera finns det inga restriktioner för en Leg. Kiropraktor att behandla barn, men man ska välja en Kiropraktor som har utbildat sig utomlands och studerat vidare i området (Pediatrics). Rektorn av den Svenska Kiropraktor skolan har nu uttalat sig i bohusläns tidningen (Nov, 2019). Hon är tydlig med att kiropraktorer utbildade i Sverige har ingen […]
Kiropraktik och Spädbarn
Read more about chiropractic and treating infants by clicking on the heading “spädbarn” Numera finns det inga restriktioner för en Leg. Kiropraktor att behandla barn, men man ska välja en Kiropraktor som har utbildat sig utomlands och studerat vidare i området (Pediatrics). Rektorn av den Svenska Kiropraktor skolan har nu uttalat sig i bohusläns tidningen […]
Hip Rehab
CORE stability and hip stabilizer training are crucial in maintaining a healthy hip joint. When the hip joint loses optimal function, particularly extension, the low back is excessively loaded. The CORE stability exercises for the low back are many and varied. There are a selection of exercises posted which should be done prior to the […]
Exercise in Nature
This is a guide with pictures for spontaneous training where ever you are. The instructions are in the programs ländryggs stabilitet 1 och ländryggs stabilitet 2. Depending on how stabile your back is you can do either part of the program or the entire group of exercises. Obviously, wear clothes appropriate for the conditions!